News & Insights

Automated Provisioning and Management Help Relieve the IT Skills Shortage

With the right tools and techniques, organizations can fully automate endpoint deployment and management.

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The Role of ITAM in Complying with the New SEC Cybersecurity Rules

The Role of ITAM in Complying with the New SEC Cybersecurity Rules

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How to Improve Security with Effective IT Asset Management

Lack of visibility remains one of the biggest cybersecurity challenges. Without complete visibility into all assets, security teams are unable to identify vulnerabilities and potential threats. That’s why IT asset management (ITAM) is critical to any security strategy. By following ITAM best practices, organizations can gain greater visibility and control of the IT environment. In […]

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How to Use AI Tools to Better Manage the Device Lifecycle

In our last post, looking at the AI tools available to support device lifecycle, we gave a 50,000-foot view of some of the AI tools now available to support the device lifecycle or built into the underlying technology offerings. They range from on-chip neural processing to device optimization to security to analytics. Most of the […]

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A Look at the AI Tools Now Available to Support the Device Lifecycle

Artificial intelligence is, without question, the biggest development in the IT industry. ChatGPT and other generative AI tools have captured the imagination of users and opened up a realm of possibilities for AI applications. To capitalize on this trend, all the major hardware manufacturers and software vendors are adding AI technology to their products. 

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The Challenges and Benefits of Global Asset Lifecycle Management

Technology makes the world seem smaller and more connected, but it also creates challenges for organizations operating globally. Supply chain and logistics challenges, diverse regulations, tax issues, import/export rules, even language and cultural differences make it difficult to procure, track, manage and support IT assets worldwide. Product availability is the first hurdle. There is a […]

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Streamlining Endpoint Device Repair and Refresh Processes

Streamlining Endpoint Device Repair and Refresh Processes Endpoint lifecycle management encompasses many processes, each involving various IT and business considerations. Organizations need a well-thought-out framework to manage end point devices effectively.  Core tools need to include your procurement system, finance system, ticketing system, scheduling system and the suite of tools that provide device analytics and management […]

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A Sustainable Approach to Handling End-of-Life IT Assets

In a previous post we discussed how persona-based tech refresh policies enhance the user experience. Instead of refreshing IT assets based on a set time period, organizations should consider the specific needs of certain user personas. Some users need high-performance, highly reliable devices to do their jobs. Those devices may need to be refreshed more […]

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Enhancing the User Experience with Persona-Based Tech Refresh

Many organizations have fairly standard technology refresh policies. Desktops and laptops are replaced every four or five years. Mobile devices are replaced more frequently, generally every three years. This system ensures that the organization is not supporting outdated technology that doesn’t meet security or regulatory compliance standards. However, standardized refresh policies leave out one important […]

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Why IT Asset Management Is a Critical Component of Sustainability

IT leaders have mandates to reduce costs and help meet their organizations’ environmental, social and governance (ESG) goals. Often, they focus their efforts on procuring IT products that have been manufactured in a sustainable way. However, many organizations handle the disposition of IT assets inefficiently, particularly when it comes time to transition them out of […]

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